SÍM (Collaboration on Icelandic Language Technology), a research and development group, comprises nine legal entities, researchers from the academic community, public institutions, and entrepreneurs in the business community. An agreement is in place with SÍM to implement the first phase of the data collection and software creation of the Language Technology Programme.
Information about SÍM's members can be found here below.
SÍM co-operates with the business community. This enables companies to accelerate knowledge development and, thereby, the development of language technology solutions. This benefits customers and companies alike.
The Árni Magnússon Institute for Icelandic studies
The Árni Magnússon Institute for Icelandic studies conducts research and disseminates knowledge on Icelandic language and culture. It had a leading role in establishing and developing Icelandic language technology at the beginning of this century and has built many of the most important resources, including The Database of Icelandic Morphology, The Tagged Icelandic Corpus, and The Gigaword Corpus.
The principal role of the Institute, which is an active participant in the Language Technology Programme, is to build and develop various language resources, including The Gigaword Corpus and the Parallel Corpus of Icelandic and English.
Þátttaka í kjarnaverkefnum
- Language resources
- Support tools/NLP
- Machine translation
Creditinfo Media Monitoring
Creditinfo's Media Monitoring, a leading provider of media monitoring services in Iceland, monitors, searches and analyses all the major Icelandic print, broadcast and social media. Subscribers to Media Monitoring receive email notifications when news that relates to particular companies or keywords appears in the media. Coverage of companies or issues that are important to subscribers can, therefore, be monitored and analysed. The rating services enable customers to gain deeper insight into particular topics, while sentiment analysis evaluates the positive or negative impact of news on a subscriber's reputation.
Þátttaka í kjarnaverkefnum
- Speech technologies
Founded in 2018, Grammatek ehf develops language-related technologies with a focus on their application to particular situations. In addition to implementing language technology research, it is experienced in industrial and municipal projects, and in research programmes. It employs a range of technologies to integrate solutions to all major platforms. In addition to participating in research and development in the SÍM consortium, Grammatek is in charge of general project management.
Þátttaka í kjarnaverkefnum
- Language resources
- Speech technologies
- Spelling and grammar checking
The Language and Technology Lab, The University of Iceland
The Language and Technology Lab at The University of Iceland operates at the intersection of language and technology: it focuses on automated assistance for language use (such as proofreading); corpora, particularly treebanks (parsed text corpora); language technology infrastructure; and the interfaces between language, society, and technology. It focuses on work that is related to the Icelandic language, but with a language-generic methodology.
Þátttaka í kjarnaverkefnum
- Spelling and grammar checking
The Language and Voice Lab, Reykjavik University
Established in 2016 as part of Reykjavik University’s (RU’s) CADIA research centre in Artificial Intelligence, RU’s Language and Voice Lab carries out research and development in speech and language processing. Its research focuses on patterns in speech and text to identify how speech is created and disseminated, and on how to process, interpret, and understand language. Its objective is to extend theoretical knowledge and to develop technology that will facilitate natural communication between humans and computers. The Department of Computer Science’s Master’s degree in Language Technology offers students the opportunity to participate in a number of projects at the Language and Voice Lab.
Þátttaka í kjarnaverkefnum
- Speech technologies
- Support tools/NLP
- Machine translation
Miðeind‘s technology enables users to work with Icelandic text and speech on computers, mobile phones, and other equipment. It can be used for a wide range of functions, including to collect and summarise information, to check spelling and grammar, to translate text between Icelandic and other languages, and to answer questions. Its open software can be used by researchers, industry and the general public. In addition, Miðeind runs the website, and publishes the voice app Embla, which is available for both iPhone and Android phones.
Þátttaka í kjarnaverkefnum
- Support tools/NLP
- Spelling and grammar checking
- Machine translation
The Icelandic National Broadcasting Service
The Icelandic National Broadcasting Service (Ríkisútvarpið, or RÚV), an independent public-service broadcaster, provides high-quality television, radio and online services that inform, educate and entertain. It places particular emphasis on the Icelandic language, on Iceland’s history and cultural heritage, and on creating an active dialogue with the public. In addition, it focuses on quality programming for children and young people, and its archives are open to the public. RÚV contributes to SÍM by providing recording studios and access to media material for the creation of speech data collections.
Þátttaka í kjarnaverkefnum
- Speech technologies
Tiro ehf, established in 2016, is a start-up company that focuses on the development, design and maintenance of specialised solutions for speech recognition. Its achievements have included customised speech analytics for healthcare organisations, and automated subtitling solutions for television providers. In addition to offering specialised solutions for businesses, organisations and individuals, and access to Application Programming Interface (API), Tiro is the first Icelandic company to offer public access to speech recognition for Icelandic.
Þátttaka í kjarnaverkefnum
- Speech technologies
Want to know more?
Anyone interested in co-operating with SÍM is encouraged to contact the Project Manager:
Gestur Svavarsson
email: [email protected]
telephone: +354 856 7229